Outback Enquirer
Vol 1 Issue 6 August 2004 Page 15

The Murweh Shire Council convened a meeting in Charleville on Monday 5 th July 2004, to discuss issues arising with the provision of medical services in Charleville.

The meeting was facilitated by Mr Chris Mitchell, CEO of the Queensland Rural Medical Support Agency, and Dr Kristine Battye, a consultant to the QRMSA. The QRMSA is a commonwealth-funded organization charged with the recruitment of doctors to rural and remote communities, and the development of support services for the doctors and their families to improve their retention.
front (left to right) Dr Sian Ford, Dr Kristine Battye, Mary King, back row (l-r) Dr Chris Mitchell, Dr Chester Wilson,
Dr Bob Balmain, Alison Mobbs, Ian Nugent and Dr Jim Drum.

The meeting was prompted by the pending departure of the two doctors employed by the District Health Service at Charleville Hospital, who will be leaving this year after seven years of service to the community. The model put forward by Queensland Health for the replacement of the doctors has implications for the local GP's as well as other medical services and the community.

The participants discussed possible GP arrangements, the mix of skills that were required by doctors recruited to the Charleville region, as well as the importance of there being special recognition for rural and remote centres. The meeting also identified the need to support the local general practitioners with respect to their workload and after hours commitments to prevent their burn-out.

The meeting had a positive atmosphere and was an excellent opportunity for the medical community to discuss important planning processes and possibilities. Further development of ideas mooted at the meeting is needed to ensure optimal outcomes for the community.

A follow-up meeting is planned for mid September.

Ph Alison Mobbs for info 46542002

On the Grapevine : Keep and eye on “Clare's Store”- something is about to happen there.


Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others."

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894);

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